US Air Force POW Oral Histories Collection
The Air Force Academy with the support of funding from the Academy class of 1965 conducted a series of oral history interviews with Air Force officers who had during their careers been POW's. This collection contains copies of 38 transcripts of interviews with Air Force pilots and air crew shot down and imprisoned in North Vietnam. The majority of these interviews focus on the experiences of Air Force officer POW's in Vietnam.
The interviews themselves follow a standard pattern apparently following a list of prepared questions developed by the history faculty of the Air Force Academy for the interviewers to follow. The subjects covered are as follows: family background, training, duty assignments in Vietnam, events leading to capture, POW experiences, release, adjustment problems upon release, evaluation of training in regard to the POW experience, advice to future POW's.
- Alpers, John H.; Lieutenant Colonel; F-4 pilot, 335th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 5 October 1972; released March 1973.
- Ayres, Timothy R.; Major; born 2 January 1945; USAFA 1968; F-4 pilot, 25th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 3 May 1972; released 28 March 1973.
- Beekman, William D.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 19 August 1946; USAFA 1968; F-4 pilot 45th Tactical Fighter Squadron, DaNang, South Vietnam, shot down 24 June 1972; released February 1973.
- Black, Jon D.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 23 May 1937; USAFA 1959; 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 27 October 1967; released 17 February 1968.
- Bliss, Ronald G.; born 22 March 1943; USAFA 1964; F-105 pilot, 357th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Takhli, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 4 September 1966, released February 1973.
- Borling, John L.; Major General; born 24 March 1940; USAFA 1963; F-4 pilot, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Takhli, Thailand; shot down 1 June 1966; released; February 1973.
- Burroughs, William D.; Colonel; USMA 1955; RF-101 pilot, 15th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 31 July 1966; released 1973.
- Breckner, William J.; Major General; born 25 May 1933; F-4 pilot, 435th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 30 July 1972; released March 1973.
- Cerak, John Paul; born 22 November 1944; USAFA 1967, F-4 pilot, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand.
- Donald, Myron L.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 20 May 1943; USAFA 1965; F-4 pilot, 497th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down February 1968; released 1973.
- Driscoll, Jerry D.; Colonel; born 21 February 1940; USAFA 1963; F-4 pilot, 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Korat, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 24 April 1966; released 12 February 1973.
- Fer, John; Colonel; born 12 February 1937; USAFA 1962; pilot EB-66C, Takhli, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 4 February 1967; released March 1973.
- Gauntt, William A.; Lieutenant Colonel; USAFA 1968; RF-4C pilot, 14th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 12 August 1972; released 30 March 1973.
- Hill, Howard J.; Colonel; born 7 February 1943; USAFA 1965; F-4 pilot, 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon. RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 16 December 1967; released 14 March 1973.
- Jackson, Charles A.; Captain; born 4 March 1946; USAFA 1969; F-4 pilot, 433rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 24 June 1972; released February 1973.
- Johnson, Kenneth R.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 23 March 1938; F-4 pilot, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 18 December 1971; released 1973.
- Kari, Paul A.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 25 November 1935; F-4C pilot, 45th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand, shot down 20 June 1965; released February 1973.
- Kula, James D.; Colonel; born 5 January 1947, USAFA 1969; F-4C pilot, 4th Tactical Fighter Squadron, DaNang, south Vietnam; shot down 29 July 1972; released 29 March 1973.
- Marshall, Marion A; Lieutenant Colonel; born 4 December 1946; USAFA 1968; F-4 navigator, 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 3 July 1972; released 29 march 1973.
- McManus, Kevin J.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 19 September 1942; USAFA 1964; F-4 pilot DaNang, South Vietnam; shot down 14 June 1967, released February 1973.
- McNish, Thomas M.; Colonel; born 1 May 1942; USAFA 1964; F-105 pilot, 354th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Takhli, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 4 September 1966; released March 1973.
- Mechenbier, Edward J.; Major; born 29 June 1942; USAFA 1964; F-4C pilot, 390th Tactical Fighter Squadron, DaNang, South Vietnam; 14 June 1967; released March 1973.
- Neuens, Martin J.; Colonel; born 31 May 1942; USAFA 1964; F-105 pilot, 333rd Tactical Fighter Squadron, Takhili, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 12 August 1966; released February 1973.
- Pollard, Ben M.; Colonel; born 27 February 1932; F-105 pilot, Korat, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 15 May 1967; released 4 March 1973.
- Reeder, William S. Lieutenant Colonel; born 22 December 1945; AH-1 pilot; 361st Aerial Weapons Company, Camp Holloway, Pleiku, South Vietnam; shot down 9 may 1972; released 27 March 1973.
- Reich, William J.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 10 February 1947; USAFA 1970; navigator F-4, 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand, shot down (June?)1972; released (March?) 1973.
- Reynolds, John A.; Brigadier General; born 13 December 1937; F-105 pilot, 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Tahkli, RTAFB, Thailand, shot down 28 November 1965; released February 12, 1973.
- Robinson, Paul K.; Colonel; born 5 January 1939; USAFA 1962; F-4 pilot, 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Korat RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 1 July 1972; released March 1973.
- Singleton, Jerry A.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 20 March 1940; USAFA 1962; CH-3 pilot, Nakhon Phanom, Thailand; shot down 6 November 1965, released February 1973.
- Smith, Waynbe Ogden; Captain; born 10 August 1943; USAFA 1965; F-4D pilot 435 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Ubon, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 18 January 1968; released 14 March 1973.
- Spoon, Donald R.; Colonel; born 22 December 1941; USAFA 1964; F-4C pilot, 480th Tactical Fighter Squadron, DaNang Air Base, South Vietnam; shot down 21 January 1967; released 4 March 1973.
- Storey, Thomas G.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 1931; RF-4C pilot, 432nd Tactical Reconnaissance Wing, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 16 January 1967; released 4 March 1973.
- Stutz, Leroy W.; Colonel; born 13 November 1939; USAFA 1964; RF-4C pilot, 11th Tactical Reconnaissance Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 2 December 1966; released 4 March 1973.
- Trimble, Jack R.; Lieutenant Colonel; born 1 September 1947; USAFA 1970; F-4 pilot, 13th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Udorn, RTAFB, Thailand; shot down 27 December 1972; released 31 March 1973.
![Saigon National Assembly, etc, from roof of Rex Office club.: George H. Kelling Collection [VAS061150]](/global/images/site/VAS061150.jpg)
Saigon National Assembly, etc, from roof of Rex Officer club.
(George H. Kelling Collection [VAS061150])
These interview transcripts are currently not available online but may be accessed through the Vietnam Archive reading room, or contact the Vietnam Center and Archive to make other arrangements.
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -