Possible Access Problems
Virtual Archive News and Notices
Pop-up Blockers
Due to a proliferation of unwanted windows opening on users computers while using the internet (called pop-ups), many people have installed pop-up blockers on their computers, and many newer internet browsers include pop-up blockers built in. A pop-up is a window that opens up when you visit a webpage. This can happen simply by visiting a page, or through an action you take, such as clicking a link. The default setting for this new pop-up blocker is Medium, which should not affect any Virtual Archive pages. If you choose to set your blocker to High, which will block all pop-ups, there may be aspects of the Virtual Archive that will be affected.
To get around this, go to the pop-up settings. The instructions for this vary depending on what you are using. Check your internet browser or pop-up blocker's help section. For Internet Explorer you can access the settings by clicking on the Information Bar after a pop-up has been blocked, or by looking under the tools menu. You can then add sites on which pop-ups will be allowed. For the Virtual Archive, add the following addresses (without quotes): "www.vietnam.ttu.edu"; "vva.vietnam.ttu.edu"; "*.vietnam.ttu.edu"
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive website does not use pop-ups in an malicious way or in an attempt to sell or advertise something. Any pop-ups that are a part of our site are intended to work that way. If you do receive a pop-up while visiting our site that attempts to sell you something, this is probably due to a software program that was downloaded onto your computer without your knowledge, called spyware. There are many software packages available, both free and for purchase, that may be used to removed these hidden programs.
If you have questions or concerns about the Vietnam Archive and pop-ups, please contact us using the information on our Contact Information page.
Difficulties Accessing the Virtual Vietnam Archive
If you receive an error message, please do not give up on using the Virtual Vietnam Archive. If possible, try conducting your research at other times of the dayor just wait a few moments and try again. In addition, while the Virtual Vietnam Archive search page itself may not be accessible, it is possible that other accessible pages on our site may be of interest for your research. For example, those interested in Oral History interviews can browse a standard HTML web listing of all interviews available through the Interviews section of the Oral History website. This page can be searched using your browser "find" feature.
Thank you for your patience with us. We realize it can be very frustrating if you are denied access to the site. Please remember, we are aware of the situation and try to prevent it from happening. We welcome your questions or concerns at any time. Contact us by phone (806-742-9010) or email (vnca@ttu.edu).
Virtual Vietnam Archive Unavailability
The Virtual Archive may be unavailable periodically for various reasons, such as system updates or system errors. When an unavailability is planned, we will place a notice on the website beforehand.
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -