Website Help Page
Viewing the Site
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive website is designed to work with a variety of screen sizes and internet browsers. However, the site is best view with a screen resolution of 1024x768 or greater. Javascript and Stylesheets should be enabled. Check your browser's help section for more information about Javascript and Stylesheets, and your operating system's help materials for information on setting screen resolution.
Cascading Style Sheets have been used throughout The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive Web site for formatting and layout purposes. Older browsers offer very little CSS support. For these browsers, the site has been designed to degrade into a text only version that will render the navigation as a list of links so that navigation is still possible.
If The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive web site does not display properly, we recommend that you upgrade your browser to its latest version for optimal viewing and improved security. It's quick, free, and easy to update your browser, and virtually all web sites you visit will be best viewed with the latest browser versions.
Internet Browsers
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive Website is designed to be viewable with most internet browsers and on mobile devices. The site should display with no difficulty on any browser produced within the last few years. Older browsers will be able to use parts of the site, but some aspects may not function as planned. This is particularly true of the Virtual Vietnam Archive.
In order to access certain materials on The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive websites, particularly those in the Virtual Vietnam Archive, plugins are require. Below is a list of the types of materials that require plugins and links to download sites for a few of the many free software packages that can be used to view those materials. Note that many computers and browsers include many of these plugins already.
- Portable Document Format (PDFs) - Documents, some forms
- Adobe Acrobat Reader -
- Moving Images and Audio - Oral Histories, other recorded audio
- Many audio and moving images are now embedded directly into the VNCA website pages. Visitors with newer browsers should be able to access these items without external programs. For items that are not embedded, the following are a liste of a few of the many players available for free:
- Windows Media Player -
- Microsoft Slivelight (for embedded Moving Image and Audio Files) -
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive does not endorse the products listed above, nor insist on their use or claim that they are the only products available for their uses. These links are provided to the most widely used free software that we are aware of.
Navigating the Site
Each page of The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive website includes a header at the top of the page and a footer at the bottom. The header includes most of the site navigation links that users will need in drop down menus. Additionally, directly below the header are "breadcrumb" links that will help users see where within the site they are. Each breadcrumb string starts with a link to the homepage.
Some pages (including the Virtual Vietnam Archive) also have a navigation bar on the left side of the page. This navigation bar may include links to different sections on the page, related pages, or, in the Virtual Archive, the navigation functions used to conduct searches and display results.
If at any time you are having trouble locating information, try the site map. This page provides links to most of the pages on The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive website. Another page to check is our Frequently Asked Questions section.
How to Use the Virtual Vietnam Archive - Online Tutorials
To assist users in utilizing our resources, tutorials/users manuals have been created for two of our most commonly used pages.
Please feel free to contact us at with any questions, comments or concerns regarding our website, or use on online comments form to provide feedback.
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -