6th Triennial Vietnam Symposium
March 13th-15th, 2008
Call for Papers
The Sixth Triennial Vietnam Symposium will take place on March 13-15, 2008, and will be held at the Holiday Inn Park Plaza in Lubbock, Texas. The Center has already begun preliminary planning and has issued a number of invitations for key speakers for the program.
A key Vietnam-related anniversary in 2008 is the 40th anniversary of the Tet Offensive and all of the remarkable events that unfolded in 1968. This included a shift to more critical media coverage of the war, a progressive shift in American public opinion, the political fallout and President Johnson's decision not to seek reelection, the Presidential election of 1968 and emergence of Richard Nixon, etc…
Our symposia are open for papers examining any aspect of the American involvement in Vietnam and we encourage anyone interested in presenting a paper to submit a one-page proposal to the Vietnam Center. This anniversary, however, suggests a range of topics that participants might wish to explore. As always, graduate students are highly encouraged to submit proposals.
Those interested in presenting papers (either individual or as completed panels) should provide proposals as soon as possible. [*CHANGED*] The deadline for submitting proposals is December 31st, 2007 [*CHANGED*]. Please format proposals to resemble an abstract to include the author's name, title/affiliation, and contact information, along with proposed title, thesis/purpose, and main points. Please limit proposal length to a maximum of 500 words and submit them to:
Deputy Director
The Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-1041
You may also submit proposals via email to steve.maxner@ttu.edu. If you make an email submission but do not receive notification of receipt within five days, please call 806-742-9010.
Thank you and we look forward to you joining us for this important event!
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -