Interested in Making a Monetary Donation?
The Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive accepts monetary donations for a variety of purposes, including scholarships, general operations, and for our new building. You may also want to consider joining the Friends of the Vietnam Center. See our Monetary Donations page for more information.
Donating Materials to the Vietnam Archive?
The Vietnam Archive accepts donations of materials ranging from single items to large collections. If you are interested in donating to the archive, see our Information for Donors page for more information. If you are unsure about donating, please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.
Already Donated Materials to the Vietnam Archive?
If you have already donated materials to the Vietnam Archive and would like to see if they are available online, please try our browse the collections page. Collections are listed alphabetically by last name. Once you find your collection, click the icon to open the finding aid. If any materials in your collection have been digitized, links to these materials will be available near the bottom of the page.
Alternatively, you can find items you have donated through the Virtual Vietnam Archive search page:
- Go to the Virtual Vietnam Archive Entry Page.
- Click "Search the Virtual Vietnam Archive" in the left column.
- On the Quick Search page, click "Advanced Search" in the left column.
- Enter your last name in the "Collection Name" field.
- If you only want to see certain items in your collection, select the Media Type in the right column, otherwise...
- Click "Start Search" in the left column. If your materials have been processed you should have at least 1 hit (the collection finding aid). If there is more than one hit, materials from your collection have probably been digitized.
- Click "Display Search Results" in the left column.
- The Browse Results page lists your items. You can change the order of the items using the drop-down menu at the top of the results. Select "item number" to sort the items into the order in which they are arranged in the physical collection.
Please note that it may take a long time to process your collection. Factors affecting the amount of time processing takes include the amount and types of materials donated, and the number of already donated collections waiting to be processed. After the physical processing is complete, it will take additional time before the materials in your collection are digitized, again depending on the amount and types of materials, and the number of collections waiting to be digitized. If you have any questions about the status of your collection, please feel free to contact us.
Vietnam Center & Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive
Texas Tech University, Box 41041, Lubbock, TX 79409 -
(806)742-9010 -